ACHE Congress

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MHA students once again ventured to Chicago for the 59th Annual ACHE Congress on Healthcare Leadership. A group of 10 first and second year UNC Charlotte students joined over 4,000 participants in the weeklong event that included educational sessions, career counseling, job opportunities, and networking events.

At the opening session, Amy Walter, National Editor of Cook Political Report, spoke about how the changing political environment, with an emphasis on the upcoming presidential election, affects the future of health care.

Career counseling was available and consisted of job and internship advising as well as resume review. First year student, Tracy Valero, stated, “The advising sessions at Congress were incredible. The advisors were so helpful; they reassured me that this was my true career path. To hear these words from a seasoned health care administrator gave me confidence that I am heading toward great things!” Students and attendees also had the opportunity to have professional head-shots taken.

On Tuesday night, the annual UNC Charlotte dinner was held at Howells and Hood in the heart Chicago. Alumni Jordan Berry, Yelena Dyszkiewicz, and Jesse Johnson returned to offer advice, support, and camaraderie. Current students benefited from the shared experience of the importance of the MHA degree and career opportunities associated with their experience at UNC Charlotte. In addition, alumni Colleen Hole (MHA ’98) Nathan Kellett (MHA ’04) and Anwar Hassan Hildid (MHA ’07) stopped by the booth to visit with current students and staff and reminisce on their experience at UNC Charlotte.

“Congress truly exceeded my expectations. Aside from all of the incredible knowledge, networking, and insight it provided, it also reminded me of why I chose healthcare to begin with. It was inspiring to be surrounded by such passion, talent, and intellect. It left me feeling proud and empowered to be in such a diverse and ever-changing field”, said Mika Vela-Gude, a first year MHA student.

Most students attended the Wednesday night reception, which grouped the attendees by region. First year student, Rachael Dolan stated, “The reception was fun and the set-up allowed you to easily identify others who worked within our geographic location. Speaking to others, finding common connections, and sharing ideas were really interesting! I’d highly recommend this reception to future students.” The student networking reception was held on Monday and separated the various schools by state and region and allowed students to share their experiences throughout their programs. Additionally, a speed networking session was available to interact quickly with other professionals employed in various sectors of healthcare. It was a fun-filled and educational week, and we are looking forward to next year!