Isabella Gargano

Isabella Gargano

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management
Undergraduate Degree:

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management

Alma Mater:

University of North Carolina Charlotte


Isabella grew up in Mooresville, NC, about 45 minutes north of Charlotte. She chose to attend UNC Charlotte’s MHA program because of its CAHME accreditation, as well as its proximity and connections to large healthcare organizations in Charlotte. As an early entry student, she was able to begin taking graduate courses while concurrently finishing her HSMT degree. She has always wanted a higher education and saw this as a perfect opportunity to expand her knowledge of the healthcare system in graduate school. Isabella has known from a young age she was interested in a career in healthcare and bettering the lives of others. Her passions lie in the improvement of healthcare access and quality, so her goal is to work for a consulting firm and focus on quality management.

In her free time, she likes to read and spend time outside.
