
Dr. Jim and Sarah Laditka present at the Medical University of South Carolina

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Dr. Jim Laditka and Dr. Sarah Laditka presented a research seminar to faculty and graduate students in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina on September 22, “Treats All ’Round: Using Multinomial Markov Modeling and Microsimulation to Address Missing Data in Longitudinal Analysis in a Study of Unemployment and […]

Dr. Michael Thompson travels to King Saud University

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Dr. Michael Thompson, Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, will travel to King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh Saudi Arabia in October 2014 to continue dialoguing with the faculty and students of KSU’s Department of Family & Community Medicine about building an accreditable master’s in public health degree program. This trip will be Dr. Thompson’s […]

Dr. Michael Thompson presents at the American University of Armenia (AUA) School of Public Health (AUA SPH)

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Dr. Michael Thompson presents “Reflections on 20 Years of Public Health at AUA: Parallels between Quality Assurance in Healthcare and Accreditation in Public Health Education” at the American University of Armenia (AUA) School of Public Health (AUA SPH). Site