Paying for Graduate School

Financial Aid

UNC Charlotte students are able to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to become eligible for loans, grants, awards, or other sources of funding for their education. See The Graduate School’s financial aid page for more information.

instructional ASSISTANTSHIPS

MHA program supported assistantships

These merit/need-based assistantships supported by MHA increment funds are awarded to deserving students based upon their admissions portfolio (incoming students) and demonstrated classroom performance (continuing students). Students support MHA program faculty in course delivery. [No application needed. All students are considered. Standard department compensation provided (student temporary hourly payroll). Submission of a FAFSA is encouraged.]

Health Management and Policy supported assistantships

These merit/need-based assistantships are funded by the department (university allocated budget and/or undergraduate majors fees) to support faculty delivering large undergraduate classes. Student undergraduate major, completed graduate coursework, professional experience, and classroom demeanor are considered. [No application needed. All students are considered. Standard department compensation provided (student temporary hourly payroll). Submission of a FAFSA is encouraged.]

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships (GAships) are of two functional types, research (GRA) or teaching (GTA) based upon the predominant duties. They provide financial compensation for students’ contributions to the university, and may be combined from a variety of funding sources and functional types to a maximum of 20 hours/week. These positions are governed by the Graduate school’s policy on funding and assistantships.

Department-supported teaching assistantships

These merit/need-based teaching assistantship positions are supported by MHA increment and/or departmental (university allocated budget and/or undergraduate majors fees) funds for students having direct instructional responsibility (e.g., independently leading labs, classes, recitation sections, or supporting large enrollment classes). These positions are restricted to master’s degree holders and other advanced graduate students. Student undergraduate major, completed graduate coursework, professional experience, and classroom demeanor are considered. Standard department compensation is provided in accordance with Graduate School policies.

Faculty-sponsored research assistantships

These merit-based research assistantships are funded by a faculty member’s externally funded grant or contract. Faculty members (from anywhere on campus) may directly recruit candidates, advertise within one or more departments or majors, or post the opportunity on Hire-A-Niner. Student undergraduate major, completed graduate coursework, professional experience, and classroom demeanor are considered. [Application requirements, compensation, and process vary by opportunity.]


On occasion, the MHA Program makes tuition awards to deserving or needy students. These modest awards are need-based (e.g., linked to unmet need per FAFSA) or associated with having completed a specific professional development activity such as participating in an approved professional conference. [Application requirements, award amount, and process vary by opportunity.]

MHA Scholarships

MHA students have two dedicated scholarships they can apply for, along with several college and/ or campus-wide opportunities accessed via the NinerScholars scholarship portal. The Barber Memorial Scholarship [last offered as $1,800] and the GCHEG Scholarship [last offered as $1,000].


Previously known as an Administrative Graduate Assistantship, graduate students may be hired as employees (student temporary hourly payroll) to serve as graduate administrative assistants or similar title [hourly payroll system through webtime entry]. The MHA Program, the Department, the College, and Academic Departments and Service Units outside of PHS often sponsor such student-only temporary positions. These openings can be found on those units’ websites, via emailing and other postings, and/or via Hire-A-Niner. Service Units outside of PHS to explore include the Student Health Center, the Counselling Center, Recreational Services, and the Center for Graduate Life, among others. [Application requirements, compensation, and process vary by opportunity.]