FAQ -Current HSMT Students
Advising and Registration
Who is my Academic Advisor
To locate your academic advisor(s), log into DegreeWorks. To access DegreeWorks, log into my.charlotte.edu, then click on the Degree Works icon under Quick Links. Once you are logged in to DegreeWorks, search the top bar to find your advisor(s). All current assigned academic advisors will be shown in the “Advisor” section.
How do I schedule an appointment with my Advisor through CONNECT?

Can I take HSMT courses without completing the prerequisites?
No. Students must complete the prerequisite course before attempting the course(s) for which it is required. The prerequisite courses are meant to develop knowledge and skills, which will be used at the next level course.
When can I take HSMT 2101, HSMT 2103, and HSMT 2104?
You must have sophomore standing to enroll in HSMT 2000 level courses.
HSMT 2101 and HSMT 2103 are open to any student with sophomore standing.
Only declared majors and college pre-majors can take HSMT 2104.
When can I take 3000-level HSMT courses?
To enroll in 3000-level HSMT courses, you must have completed at least 45 credit hours and the HSMT 2101, HSMT 2103, and HSMT 2104 with a C or better within two attempts.
Can I enroll in HSMT 4600: Health Systems Management Capstone with 3000-level courses so I can graduate sooner?
No, the minimum time from start to finish for the HSMT major coursework is three semesters – you cannot complete this major any faster than three semesters.
Before taking HSMT 4600 – Health Systems Management Capstone, you must complete the following prerequisite(s): HSMT 2101, HSMT 2103, and HSMT 2104 with grades of C or above; and HSMT 3104, HSMT 3201, HSMT 3203, and HSMT 3204 with grades of D or above.
There are no exceptions to this policy – the course sequencing is designed to prepare you for success.
Can I receive course credit for an internship?
Yes, the HSMT program’s include a restricted elective internship course for academic credit. You should contact the Career Center to determine if you would be a candidate for UCOL 3410 .
What is HSMT 4600?
HSMT 4600 is the capstone course and culminating experience for the major. In this class, you will apply skills learned in all of your HSMT courses to solve a community-based problem and analyze health system problems. This course is not an internship.
How many credit hours can I take during the academic year?
15 hours constitutes a typical full-time course load for undergraduates. A student must complete 15-16 hours per semester to complete a bachelor’s degree in four academic years. Enrollment in more than 18 hours in a semester requires advance approval by the Dean of the student’s major college. An undergraduate student enrolled in 12 or more hours is considered a full-time student and must pay full tuition and fees.
Will HSMT courses be offered online or in the summer?
For students enrolled on campus HSMT major some, but not all of the required courses are offered online and/or during summer sessions, which means you cannot complete this program if you are unable to attend in person classes. Students should verify course delivery options and terms offered using the Banner Course Summary Search tool. Please note that the summer sections of HSMT 4600 Capstone are reserved for students who need to complete that course to graduate during the summer session.
Students enrolled in HSMT distance education program will be able to take the required HSMT course online. Visit School of Professional Studies to learn more about Health Systems Management, B.S. – Distance Education program.
Can I register for HSMT 4600 Capstone in the summer?
The summer offerings of HSMT 4600 Capstone course is reserved for students who need to complete that course in order to graduate during the summer session(s). Review and fill in the form Summer HSMT 4600 Capstone Registration Permit Request to request a summer registration permit. Please read the request form thoroughly to see if you’re able to meet the requirements to be granted a course permit.
How many credit hours can I take in the summer?
A standard load for an undergraduate student enrolled in a half-summer term is up to 7 credit hours, but not more than 14 credits in a full summer term. Enrollment in more than 7 credit hours in a half summer term, or in a concurrent full summer term (e.g., a 10-week and a 5-week term) for more than 14 credit hours, requires advance approval by the dean of the student’s major college.
How many courses can I withdraw from?
University policy states that undergraduate students may receive a grade of ‘W’ for no more than 16 credit hours over the course of their academic careers.
The deadline to withdraw from one or more courses (including withdrawal from all courses) is at the 60% completion point of the term. The precise date for each term will be published in the Academic Calendar. After this deadline, late withdrawal will only be allowed for approved extenuating circumstances.
What do I do if I have a hold on my account?
The answer depends on what type of hold is on your record. Some “holds” are for outstanding fees; others are to inform you that you must meet with an advisor before you can register for courses. You need to check the type of hold(s) you have by using Banner Self-Service, and then contact the department that added the hold to your record.
How do I get a repeat override permit to retake a course?
You will need to read and submit the HSMT Repeat Override Permit Request Form to be granted a repeat override permit.
Note: Being issued a repeat override permit does not automatically register you for the course. Effective fall 2021, grade replacements are automatically selected. Students will be able to accept the auto-selection, change the selections, or opt-out of grade replacements for fall. Until the student meets their maximum 2 replacements, they will need to review each semester. The deadline to take action is the last day to withdraw for the term or the auto selection will become permanent.
Will the HSMT program accept study abroad credits as replacements for HSMT courses?
The HSMT program does not accept study abroad courses as replacements for HSMT courses.
academic performance
What should I do if I have been suspended?
Visit the Registrar’s website for FAQs about Academic Suspension.
What is a academic standing warning?
An undergraduate student who meets the cumulative requirements for academic standing but performs below a 2.0 GPA in a given semester – or who performs below the two-thirds cumulative ratio of earned- to- attempted hours- is given a “academic standing warning.” This warning indicates potential academic problems and is communicated to the student and to the student’s advisor and major department(s).
Students who receive a “academic standing warning” do not meet the financial aid requirements for satisfactory academic progress.
Academic standing warnings do not appear on the student’s permanent academic record, and the transcript notation will reflect “good academic standing.”
What is academic probation?
An undergraduate student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 is placed on academic probation. This status is noted on the student’s permanent academic record in the semester of the evaluation and continues until the next evaluation opportunity.
Do I have to earn at least a C in all of my HSMT courses?
Starting Catalog year 2022-2023: A grade of C or above in HSMT 2101, HSMT 2103, and HSMT 2104 and a grade of D or above in HSMT 3201, HSMT 3203, HSMT 3104, HSMT 3204, HSMT 4201, HSMT 4202 and HSMT 4600 courses within two attempts* is required to progress in the major.
HSMT majors who accumulate more than three grades of D, F, or W in required HSMT courses will be terminated from the program. HSMT majors who fall below a GPA of 2.0 in the major will be placed on probation. A student on probation whose GPA in the major remains below 2.0 at the next evaluation will be terminated from the program.
*Each of the following is considered an attempt: Withdrawing from the course after the drop deadline (may be appealed); grade replacement; Incompletes that convert to grades of F; and grades of A, B, C, D, or F.
How many credits do I need to graduate?
To graduate from UNC Charlotte you must have earned a minimum of 120 hours of specified course work. A bachelor’s degree is comprised of General Education courses, a major program(s), elective courses, and, in some cases, a minor program(s), and, in general, is completed in four years.
Can I graduate faster than two years?
Students graduate in the term when they meet all graduation requirements; with good planning, you can complete the HSMT program in three to six total semesters. We strongly recommend a four-semester academic plan to complete the program. Each course prepares you for the skills and knowledge you will need to be successful in the following courses. It is imperative that students follow the course sequencing in order to be successful in the HSMT major.
Can I attend the current commencement ceremony and then finish my graduation requirements during a future semester?
University policy states that students participate in the Commencement Ceremony for the term in which they complete the requirements for the degree. Students completing their degrees in Summer or Fall participate in the Fall (December) Commencement Ceremony; students completing their degrees in Spring participate in the Spring (May) Commencement Ceremony.
complaints and disputes
What do I do if I have a complaint or dispute about a course, instructor, or program director?
To resolve course disputes, students are directed to first discuss the issue with the course instructor. If the issue is not resolved at that level, it should be brought to the Program Director (program or student-conduct-related matters) or the HSMT Program Committee (course content, workload) via the undergraduate student representative. If the issue cannot be resolved by those methods, then the Department Chair (faculty conduct-related matters) should be consulted. If the dispute is with the Program Director, the issue should be brought directly to the Department Chair. If not resolved informally, students are directed to the formal college policy summarized below. Students may wish to consult with their academic advisor if unsure of their options.
If, after consulting the course instructor and/or HSMT Program Director, a student who wishes to appeal a policy of the HSMT Program may do so by submitting a written appeal to the Department Chairperson in accordance with the Academic Grievance Policy of the College of Health and Human Services and University Policy 403, Student Appeals and Grievances and UNC Charlotte Student Grievance Procedure. This appeal will be reviewed, and a judgment made by the faculty of the department. Students should refer to the grievance and appeals policy in the Office of Legal Affairs.
A student may pursue a grievance if he or she believes that a member of the University community has violated his or her rights (see University Policy 403, Student Appeals and Grievances).